Trickle of early launches to start 2025 farmland market

 A steady trickle of equipped farms and bare land parcels are being launched after a slow winter in the farmland market.

The south-west of England has opportunities in both Devon and neighbouring Cornwall.

Kendon Farm, near Tiverton, is a holding of 272 acres with modern buildings and a four-bedroom farmhouse.

See also: Land market in your area 2024 – Scotland

As well as grazing and silage land, the farm produces cereals and forage crops and is divided into four separate blocks, positioned a mile or so from the main farmstead.

All are within a nitrate vulnerable zone and currently subject to a Sustainable Farming Incentive agreement.

The loam and clay soils are described as slowly permeable and seasonally wet.

The farmstead has three large steel-framed modern barns, a large open yard, and a farmhouse subject to an agricultural occupancy condition (AOC), in  established gardens and grounds.

The holding is being launched by Stags at a guide price of £2.73m.

North Cornwall coast

Land at Stanbury Manor

Stanbury Manor © DR Kivell

For buyers in the market for bare land, Stanbury Manor, at Morwenstow, on the north Cornish coast near Bude, offers 86 acres of level and gently sloping pasture and arable land in eight enclosures and a further 12 acres of cliff land.

Marketing agent DR Kivell is seeking £895,000 for the block, which has a mains water supply and road frontage.

Farmhouse and holiday cottage

New Buildings Farm

New Buildings Farm © Savills

In Worcestershire, New Buildings Farm at Broad Marston is for sale as a whole or in up to four lots.

This has 211 acres of land, of which 22 acres is subject to a 20-year overage clause that requires 20% of any uplift in value on the grant of planning consent for non-agricultural or non-equestrian use to be paid to the current vendor.

The land is farmed under a contract farming agreement, with vacant possession to be granted at harvest or by a long stop date of 29 September 2025.

New Buildings Farm has a four-bedroom farmhouse subject to an AOC and a three-bedroom cottage let as holiday accommodation.

The many modern farm buildings include a substantial grain store.

Selling agent Will Chanter, of Savills, says there is also Class Q prior approval in place for the conversion of buildings to five dwellings.

While this is for residential use, there could be some alternative uses too, given recent Class R legislation allowing for conversion to commercial use under a prior notification process.

“There is a school of thought that the buildings are more interesting as a commercial proposition,” says Will.

The guide price is £3.63m for the whole.

Dumfries and Galloway

Cairnhead Farm

Cairnhead Farm © Savills

Cairnhead Farm, on the Isle of Whithorn in Dumfries and Galloway, is on the market with Savills.

This 75-acre holding has a range of traditional buildings and a three-bedroom farmhouse, which has been vacant for some time and is in need of full refurbishment. 

The land is mostly ploughable pasture that benefits from a long growing season, thanks to the influence of the Gulf Stream and the consequential mild climate, and is well suited to grass and forage crops as well as cereals. 

Selling agent Kay Paton describes the land as good quality, with outstanding views from the property.

The outbuildings would suit a range of purposes from storage and stabling, to conversion to residential or holiday accommodation, subject to the necessary consents.

Cairnhead Farm is for sale as a whole at offers of more than £550,000, or is available in two lots.