Rutland farm for sale as whole or in parts

A livestock and arable farm of about 274 acres with two houses and a barn development opportunity in Rutland has come to market.
Green Acres Farm is for sale as a whole at offers of about £3.375m or in eight lots, ranging from about five acres for offers about £75,000 to about 112 acres for offers about £1.2m. All the land lies within one mile of Belton-in-Rutland village, and is three miles from Uppingham and 12 miles from Leicester.
The farm is a working sheep and arable farm in a conventional combinable cropping rotation of wheat, barley and oats. The land consists of about 148 acres of grassland and 125 acres of arable and is classed as Grade 3.
A modern five-bedroom farmhouse and four-bedroom cottage lie close to the farmyard and agricultural buildings, which include a 7,200sq ft steel portal-framed shed. Both properties are subject to agricultural occupancy conditions.
The county council has unofficially said a stone barn could be converted subject to an agricultural occupancy condition, and to obtaining planning consent.
“This holding has been sympathetically farmed and the guide price reflects that there are two houses, a working farmyard and a stone barn with potential for conversion, which has added importance given the government’s recent announcement on the relaxation of planning rules for new rural housing,” said Mark Thomson, partner at Richardson Surveyors.
SPS entitlements for 2014 will be transferred to the buyer if the sale is concluded before 1 April. The farm has been withdrawn from environmental schemes, and the land is within a nitrate vulnerable zone. (Richardson 01780 762 433)