Portfolio of northern poultry units set for launch

Five poultry holdings will come to the market this week, for sale due to the retirement of their owner.

These sit between York and Darlington and while the aim is for a sale as a whole, each has a separate guide price.

These launches follow the marketing of several larger broiler units by other sellers in other regions, which formed one enterprise within much larger farming operations.

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Four of the northern units have bungalow accommodation, while one has standalone former broiler breeder buildings.

“All are fully cleaned out and ready to go,” said Stewart Hamilton of selling agent George F White. “All were used for poultry until the end of last year and were in continuous use prior to that.”

The most northerly of the five is Dalton Gates Farm at Dalton on Tees, near Darlington.

This is on 1.5 acres, with a three-bedroom bungalow and five poultry buildings offering about 26,528sq ft of space, plus a general-purpose building.

It has good roadside access and open views, with a guide price of £450,000.

To the south is Charity Farm at Pickhill, near Thirsk, with a three-bedroom bungalow, almost seven acres and two poultry-rearing buildings (20,114sq ft) and a general-purpose building.

This has direct roadside access and close transport links to the A1(M) and carries a guide price of £625,000.

Standalone poultry unit

At Topcliffe near Dalton, North Yorkshire, Gallows Green Farm is a similar acreage to Dalton Gates Farm but has no residential accommodation.

It offers two poultry buildings totalling 21,693sq ft, with a small general-purpose building. This has good access onto the A168 and a guide price of £300,000 has been set.

Warthill Farm at Warthill sits just east of York and includes a three-bedroom bungalow and three poultry rearing units extending to 42,776sq ft.

Again, there is good roadside access and, as with all five properties, there is scope for alternative uses, subject to planning consent.  

Warthill Farm’s guide price is £575,000.

To the north-west of York is Boundary Farm at Linton-on-Ouse, with almost two acres, a three-bedroom bungalow and two poultry buildings totalling 20,473sq ft. Here the guide price is £425,000.

George F White may also be launching further similar poultry units.

Further northern land launches 

Bare land parcels and a farm have also recently been launched in northern England by land agent YoungsRPS.

Gofton Farm at Wark, near Hexham, has 147 acres of permanent pasture and includes a recently renovated three-bedroom farmhouse and a range of traditional and modern buildings.

The farmhouse and the steading sit central to the holding, which is in a ring fence and has guide price of £1.05m.   

The same firm has almost 65 acres of Grade 3 land at Wylam about 10 miles west of Newcastle. This is currently in grass and recently reseeded, with predominantly clay and loamy soils.

The fields are well sized, open and ideal for arable cropping, according to the selling agent, which has set a guide price of £550,000.

Guided at £950,000 is a further block of 161 acres of Grade 3 land near Hexham. This is mostly agricultural but with about 31 acres of woodland, offering both commercial and amenity timber.

Wiltshire bare pasture and woodland on offer

A ring fenced block of Grade 3 bare pasture and woodland is also on offer in Wiltshire.

Sandy Hills Park

© Savills

Sandy Hills Park is between Dinton and Teffont Magna in the Cranborne Chase area of outstanding natural beauty.

This is almost 55 acres and is on Elmton 2 soils, which are shallow, well-drained, brashy calcareous, and fine loamy soils over limestone. Savills has put a guide price of £425,000 on the land.