Deadweight prices firm for hoggs and spring lambs

Demand has strengthened for old season lamb in the past week as throughputs drop back.

The GB old season lamb (OSL) SQQ for the week ending 14 May averaged 605.1p/kg, an increase of 1.8p/kg on the previous week, according to the AHDB.

Despite this marginal increase, OSL deadweight prices are more than 50p/kg below the same week last year.

Deadweight prices for spring lambs increased for the fifth consecutive week. The new season lamb (NSL) SQQ averaged 676.4p/kg, an increase of 17p/kg on week-earlier levels.

Industry reports suggest buyers are still demanding old season lambs and prices are expected to remain competitive as supply tightens.

Gordon McWhirter, livestock market specialist at Meadow Quality, said hogget prices are holding up well and new season lambs are improving in numbers and prices each week.

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Liveweight lamb prices drop back

The GB liveweight SQQ for old season lambs averaged 258.34p/kg for the week ending 17 May, down by nearly 13p/kg on the previous week.

New season lamb prices fell by 9p/kg on the week to average 324.35p/kg as throughputs rise.

Throughputs are beginning to shift in favour of new season lambs as supply of old season lambs reduces and spring lambs start to come forward in greater numbers.

Old season lambs averaged 259.8p/kg at Skipton Auction Mart in North Yorkshire on Monday 16 May.

Trade for hoggs was reportedly firmer for old season lambs with well-fleshed Mules and Mashams selling very well. Lighter commercial lowland lambs were achieving about 270p/kg to 300p/kg.

New season lambs at Skipton averaged 320.8p/kg, slightly down on the previous week as more spring lambs start to come through.


Auction market throughputs for both old season and new season lambs totalled 102,586 head for the week ending 17 May, down  0.2% on the previous week, with an increase in the number of spring lambs coming forward being offset by declines in throughputs for old season lambs.

UK clean sheep monthly slaughterings for April totalled 1,019,000 head, marginally below March levels, however still up by 180,000 head (22%) on the same month last year, according to Defra.

Mutton and lamb production during April increased by 4,400t (22%) to total 24,000t. Average carcass weights were 21.1kg/head, up by 100g on the previous month.

Freya Shuttleworth, market analyst at AHDB, said: “The main driver for the increase in year-on-year production is an increase in slaughter numbers in 2022.

“There were fewer lambs available in 2021 as a result of Brexit but, now that Brexit is done, we can see numbers returning in line with 2019 levels.”

Cull ewes

Cull ewes averaged £110.06/head for the week ending 17 May, up by £1.40/head on the previous week.