Arla, First Milk and Barbers confirm milk price rises

Dairy producers supplying Arla, First Milk and Barbers will all benefit from further price increases as wholesale dairy demand continues to support the sector.
Bulk cream, butter and mild cheddar prices are currently trending up considerably on the year, despite some pressure in recent weeks.
Conventional dairy farmers supplying Arla will receive a 2.66p/litre increase in November, taking its price to 47.65p/litre for a standard manufacturing litre.
See also: Dairy farms set to return to profit due to higher milk prices
Organic producers supplying the co-operative will be paid 57.64p/litre in November, up 1.78p/litre on the month.
Arthur Fearnall, Arla Foods amba board director, said: “Commodity markets are continuing to increase, driven by consistently strong demand, while retail sales continue to be strong.
“Global milk supplies are stable. Overall, the outlook is stable.”
Dairy co-operative First Milk has confirmed its members will receive a 1.5p/litre increase from 1 December, putting its standard manufacturing litre at 45.35p/litre, including its members’ premium.
Mike Smith, vice-chairman and farmer director at First Milk, said: “With dairy market prices maintaining their strong positions and our business continuing to deliver healthy returns, we are pleased to be able to announce yet another increase to our milk price.
“This will come as welcome news to our members whose businesses continue to be impacted by increased costs.”
Barbers cheesemakers has made its ninth consecutive monthly increase, putting its December milk price at 46.10p/litre for a standard manufacturing litre, up 1.53p/litre.