United Oilseeds takes action to enhance OSR crop in UK

Grower-owned co-operative United Oilseeds has launched a campaign encouraging farmers to plant rapeseed and help reboot the sector.

The co-operative has been collaborating with industry to find ways growers can address concerns, such as cabbage stem flea beetle (CSFB) and poor yields.

This year, the UK is expected to import more OSR than it produces for the first time ever, according to United Oilseeds, with the UK harvest area down at its lowest levels for 40 years and average yields due to be lower than all the countries in the EU.

See also: Oilseeds trading at £376/t with EU rapeseed crop set to shrink

United Oilseeds managing director James Warner has written an open letter outlining the importance of oilseed rape to UK agriculture and providing some recommendations to growers.

Mr Warner said: “From a farmer’s perspective, there are plenty of reasons to want OSR in the rotation. It offers a true break from cereals in both pests and diseases and benefits subsequent first wheat yields.

“It improves soil structure, enables an early start to harvest, helps control problem weeds, and offers the potential for early cashflow at the most expensive time of year.

“And from an animal feed perspective, it offers the UK farming industry a highly nutritious alternative to soya.”

United Oilseeds has launched a campaign asking growers to consider post-harvest cultivations on OSR fields, after Niab research showed how this can reduce emergence of CSFB.

Research projects

A number of industry research projects are being supported by the co-operative on topics such as crop resistance and plant protection products.

It is also creating an industry group to help farmers grow a more stable and profitable crop and create a collaborative voice for the sector.

Mr Warner concluded: “Plenty of people have asked me whether I am worried about the future for OSR in the UK.

 “My answer is no, I’m not. Yes, there is plenty of work to do, and the current situation is not ideal, but with United Oilseeds leading the way, I’m completely confident we can find the solutions needed to return to better self-sufficiency with our home-grown OSR crop.

“Grown successfully, it’s great for farmers, great for the economy, and great for the environment, and demand for its products has never been stronger.”