How to apply for a hedgecutting derogation in England

Farmers, land managers and contractors in England are being advised to act now if they want to apply for a derogation to cut or trim hedges on land where oilseed rape or temporary grass will be drilled in August.

Under Basic Payment Scheme regulations, farmers are not allowed to cut trees or hedges between 1 March and 31 August to protect nesting birds.

But the derogation allows hedgecutting from 1 August on land being used to drill OSR or temporary grassland in that month.

See also: Farmers consulted on hedgerow cutting dates and buffer strips

If you plan to sow oilseed rape or temporary grassland before 1 September, you may be eligible for a Hedge Cutting Derogation.

You must send the following information to the Rural Payments Agency (RPA):

  • SBI and business name
  • Reason for requesting the derogation; for example, planting oilseed rape in August quoting GAEC 7a
  • Either the land parcel reference numbers where the hedges or trees which are to be cut/trimmed are located or a map showing the sections of hedge or trees that are to be cut/trimmed
  • Any other supporting evidence, for example, photographs or diagrams.

Applications must be sent via email to