FWi’s Secret Santa Christmas competition!

Here on FWi, we love the festive season. There’s nothing like the excitment of waking up on Christmas day, unwrapping your presents and settling down with the family for Christmas dinner.
And so, to celebrate the season, we are running a competition for those of you visiting the website between 20 December and 2 January with a £50 cash prize!
Our Santa (below) will be hidden in three articles on the site. All you have to do is find one of them send an email with the article name in the heading with your name and address in the email body.
- The winner will be picked at random out of the FWi hat.
- The competition is open to all users of FWi.
- The editors decision is final and no correspondence.
Send your email to FWI.SecretSanta@rbi.co.uk or faisal.alani@rbi.co.uk
Good luck and Merry Christmas!!
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