Forfar livestock market set to close

Forfar market in Angus, Scotland, has announced it intends to cease auction sales due to reduced throughputs.

Cattle numbers sold at the auction mart have been down by 30% so far this year, according to auctioneering firm Lawrie & Symington, which operates Forfar market.

The firm’s directors had considered other potential revenue streams, but concluded that commission from livestock sales must be the main income source, and this is unsustainable with rising operating costs and lower throughputs.

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Directors of Lawrie & Symington said: “Scottish agriculture has lost so many marts from traditional market towns over the years and we fear that the current downward trend in national livestock numbers will only exacerbate this problem in the future.

“We recognise the history of the market at Forfar and what its closure would mean to the farming community. The board of directors also have a responsibility to their shareholders and have not taken this decision lightly or hastily.

“Our staff remains our priority and it’s important that we work hard to support our Forfar team at this unsettling time.”

Lawrie & Symington also runs Lanark market and will continue to operate from this site.

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