Five major poultry employers sign up to new training scheme
A host of UK poultry companies have already signed up to the new Poultry Meat Training Initiative, which aims to standardise training across the sector.
Vion UK, Cargill Meats Europe, Cranberry Foods, Faccenda, and PD Hook/2sisters have all committed to the scheme, equating to more than 2500 Poultry Passports being issued over the few months to employees.
The scheme is designed to standardise the training carried out across the poultrymeat sector with each job role linked to a set of minimum training requirements.
Central to the Poultry Passports is an online database holding employees’ training records managed by its administrator, Poultec Training. Employers and employees have access to their training records via a secure log-in which is renewable on a yearly basis.
The cost is set at £20 a person a year and to support its producers, Assured Chicken Production has provided a 25% subsidy for the first £4000 worth of passports purchased, with further reductions available for bulk purchases.
The initiative is a collaborative project between the British Poultry Council, National Farmers Union, Lantra and Poultec. For more information about the scheme, contact Nathan Raines at Poultec Training on 01362 850 983.