Farmers Weekly’s Kids Connect Campaign home page

You can keep up to date with  the Farmers Weekly Kids Connect Campaign here, including the latest news, our kids’ blog and our ‘Ask a Farmer’ page.

Latest news stories on the Kids Connect campaign on FWi…

Kids Connect Campaign blogs

Four youngsters write an online diary to about what life’s like growing up in the countryside. Read their news – and post your own comments.

Latest from the blogs…

  • “My sister, who has an obsession with pigs, wants one of the piglets when they are born but my mum said they would dig up the garden and eventually have to be sold for pork. This, my sister took as a no.”

    Emily Baker, 12, Buckinghamshire

  • “My auntie and cousin were staying with us this week, so for a change I went for a walk in the Cairngorms one afternoon with them and to brighten it up a bit we went grass sledging in Aviemore afterwards.

    It was great fun. I wish I had a grass sledge, and then I could go sledging in the summer as well as winter!”

    Craig MacKenzie, 13, Inverness-shire

  • “I like the pigs when they first come because they are only three weeks old and weigh about 7kgs so they are really small and cute, but when they are ready to go they are really big and ugly and weigh 100kgs.”

    Martha Corney, 10, North Yorkshire

Ask a Question

Kids, got something on your mind? Ask us anything rural-related and we’ll send you an answer.

Kids Connect Heroes

Farmers Weekly Kids Connect Heroes are farmers who have gone that extra mile to teach children about farming and food, either by visiting schools or opening their farms to visitors. You can read about our latest heroes below, or if you would like to nominate yourself or someone you know, email

To find out more about the campaign itself, visit our Kids Connect Campaign website.


Kids connect logo

Feeding children the facts about food

In association with The Co-op and Bayer CropScience


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