Covid-19 survey launched in rural Scotland

Researchers in Scotland want farmers and landowners to take part in a survey on the impact of Covid-19.
The University of Edinburgh’s RuralCovidLife survey will investigate the psychological, social and financial impact of the coronavirus pandemic on rural communities.
Anyone over the age of 16 who is living in a rural area of Scotland is invited to take part.
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A spokesman for the university said that researchers had worked alongside people from rural areas who had tailored and designed questions to ensure they were relevant.
“We hope to understand whether rural communities are being affected differently from other Scottish communities.
“We can then look at why there may be differences and learn how rural communities can be better supported.”
The venture is part of the broader health and welfare research project Generation Scotland.
Generation Scotland principal investigator David Porteous explained that rural communities had been affected by Covid-19 in a different way to urban ones.
“Listening to the concerns of these communities will help us understand how best to prepare for the future, making sure rural voices are represented,” Prof Porteous said.
Take part
The survey is available on the University of Edinburgh’s website
For further information contact Generation Scotland.
Telephone: 0131 651 8518