Free online skills and training platform for farmers open for trial

Farmers and growers are being invited to try out a new online skills and training platform being offered by The Institute for Agriculture and Horticulture (Tiah), and to feed back their initial experiences.

The test platform is being made available free of charge, and is designed to connect users with training and learning opportunities tailored to their individual circumstances.

Feedback will be used to fine-tune the service and add improvements.

See also: How young farmers got their farming jobs

Once fully operational, the online service will help individuals review their skills, plot their training journeys, and record achievements along the way.

The service also offers a range of information about careers in farming and growing to help those already working in the industry, as well as those who would like to. 

Tom Bradshaw, NFU deputy president and a Tiah board member, said the organisation was aiming to deliver a “truly bespoke service” tailored to sector, training, and skill levels.

“While we have made great strides towards achieving our goals, we need the input from end users to ensure we are offering the best possible service,” he said.

“Our ambition is to not only help those of us who work in the sector – we also want to support the industry as a whole while promoting agriculture as a progressive, professional and exciting career choice.”

To access the test service, visit the Tiah website.