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UK farmers paid €36 per carbon certificate for harvest 2022

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AgreenaCarbon is Europe’s leading soil carbon programme. It supports more than 1,000 farmers’ regenerative transition over two million hectares of farmland in 19 countries, ensuring integrity outcomes for farmers, food production and climate.

UK arable farmers who joined the Agreena soil carbon platform, AgreenaCarbon, in time for harvest 2022 will be paid €36 per carbon certificate issued under the programme.

On average one ha can generate between one and two carbon certificates (1t CO2 = 1 CO2e certificate), so taking an average of 1.5 carbon certificates per ha you could have been looking at €51 per ha of additional revenue.

With today’s tough business climate, the reduction and impending loss of BPS payments plus this year’s catchy harvest, there cannot be too many arable farmers who are not looking for ways to increase their bottom line.

Climate change coupled with the agricultural transition to more sustainable and regenerative farming practices mean that farmers are already having to look at how they change the way they farm.

Realisation is growing that there is a need to farm alongside the environment and more in tune with nature which is driving the transition to ‘greener’ farming.

The AgreenaCarbon platform helps farmers make the transition to greener, regenerative farming which leads to carbon farming and the issue of carbon certificates, by making it environmentally sustainable as well as financially sustainable.

Man holding soil in his hand with worm inside

© Agreena

Moving to more climate friendly, regenerative farming practices like no-till, or as a first step min-till, and the inclusion of cover crops in crop rotation etc., will boost soil health and you will be able to benefit from improved weather resilience and water management.

The application of organic fertilisers will enhance your farm’s organic matter leading to greater levels of soil biology.

These farming practices will allow you to cut your own farm’s CO2 emissions at the same time as delivering financial benefits available from less capital outlay on machinery, less fuel and less labour costs.

Crucially important, from a climate change perspective, regenerative farming practices allow farmers to take a leading role in climate mitigation.

Historically farmers have always been relied on for growing crops but regenerative farming practices deliver climate mitigation services by naturally removing carbon from the atmosphere and storing it in the soil – often referred to as carbon sequestration.

This enables you to benefit from improved soil health year after year and play a key role in protecting the environment.

The AgreenaCarbon programme is now open for Harvest 24 and is easy to join. It guides, tracks and validates farmers’ carbon farming efforts using industry-leading data analysis, agriscience and Agreena’s own satellite monitoring technology.

Agreena’s verification processes are aligned with the strictest market standards.

The results of Agreena’s validation processes are then quantified into third-party verified carbon certificates, which have quickly become a valuable financial asset, as they can be sold within the Voluntary Carbon Market (VCM) to organisations wishing to compensate for their own emissions.

In line with its core ethos which places farmers first, Agreena gives you complete control of what you do with your certificates. You can keep them, sell them yourself, sell them to Agreena, or choose to let Agreena sell them on your behalf.

What you do with your certificates is completely down to you. It is your choice.

In fact, how you work with the AgreenaCarbon platform itself is all about you making your own choices – you can implement the regenerative farming practices you want, in the fields that you want, for as long as you want.

There has been quite a lot of noise around carbon farming and the carbon market so it is important to understand that Agreena has a proven record in working closely with farmers across Europe.

Agreena quickly became the UK’s ‘go-to’ carbon farming company, largely due to its farmer-first approach and its ability to make the farmer’s journey from signing-up to the AgreenaCarbon programme, to the issue of carbon certificates as easy as possible.

With over 1,000,000 hectares contracted to Agreena across 17 European markets, the programme has now paid out more than €6,000,000 covering the 2021 and 2022 harvest years.

Don’t miss out on taking advantage of the additional revenue stream available from carbon farming and the resulting carbon certificates from harvest ’24, take a closer look at the AgreenaCarbon programme now.

As one of the AgreenaCarbon farmers, Fraser Bush, said: “In my view, carbon farming is a no-brainer!”

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