Bare arable land will draw farmer and investor competition

The latest of several large blocks of commercial arable land to come on the market is at Mill Farm, Wistow, Cambridgeshire.

In a market full of expanding farm businesses and keen investors, Savills is looking for ÂŁ3.75m for almost 220ha (543 acres) of bare land which surrounds the village of Wistow. This values the land at ÂŁ6906/acre.

Mill Farm was bought by an international investor in 2007 who is selling to expand his agricultural portfolio in Africa. On offer as a whole or in two lots, the land is mainly grade 2 and grade 3, in large parcels and currently run on a contract farming agreement in wheat and oilseed rape. Soils are fine loam and clay. (Savills 01223 347 231 )

The same firm is also selling bare land at Grange Farm, Toynton St Peter and Stickford in Lincolnshire. The 85.8ha (212 acres) near Spilsby is mainly grade 2 and carries a guide price of ÂŁ1.027m for the whole or in three lots, equivalent to an average of ÂŁ4844/acre. This is split into three lots, the largest of which has a good number of general purpose and cattle buildings. (Savills 01522 508 933)