Annual grocery price inflation pushing 10%

Grocery price inflation hit 9.9% over the four weeks to 10 July – the second highest level ever recorded by retail analyst Kantar since it began tracking the movement in 2008.
This is costing households an additional £454/year and pushes the grocery market into growth for the first time since April 2021.
Overall, supermarket sales were up by 0.1% over the latest 12 weeks, said the firm.
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Lidl was the fastest-growing supermarket, with sales up by 13.9% compared with the same period last year. Aldi’s sales were up 11.3%.
Sainsbury’s has 14.9% of the market, Asda 13.7%, Morrisons 9.4%, Co-op 6.3% and Waitrose 4.6%. Aldi and Lidl’s shares are 9.1% and 7% respectively.
Kantar monitors the take-home grocery purchasing habits of 30,000 demographically representative households across Britain.
This includes all expenditure through store tills but excludes fuel and in-store concession sales.