£1m Milk Your Moments dairy campaign goes live

A new £1m milk marketing campaign aims to increase the consumption of dairy products at home while highlighting mental health issues has gone live.

The 12-week Milk Your Moments consumer-facing campaign encourages people to share their special moments of personal connection through their love of milk and dairy products, particularly during the coronavirus crisis.

It is also supporting mental health charity Mind in emphasising the importance of human connection during the lockdown, which is being highlighted by the charity during this Mental Health Awareness Week (18-24 May).

See also: Poll: New £1m dairy marketing campaign – is it enough?

It seeks to celebrate the little moments of connection that are bringing people together, for example through a cup of tea or coffee with friends and family, who are physically apart. By encouraging more open conversations with others, the dairy industry aims to support Mind in making a positive impact on people’s mental health.

Details of the campaign were announced last week. AHDB, Dairy UK, Defra and the devolved governments, the NFU, Graham’s The Family Dairy and others have joined to promote the campaign on social media, digital platforms and television.

Ash Amirahmadi, chairman of the Dairy Marketing Forum, said: “We know that milk has long been a central part in the way people connect, from bedtime cocoa and stories, to tea with your neighbours and a cup of coffee with your new colleague.

“We hope that through this campaign, we can celebrate these little moments and inspire amazing new ones – using the dairy products in your cupboard or fridge as a catalyst.”

Make connections

The website milkyourmoments.co.uk inspires people young and old with suggestions on how to make a real world connection – whether that’s having a coffee with friends, or a virtual gathering with workmates.

They can then capture and share a moment of connection by tagging #milkyourmoments and @milkyourmoment across Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. They are also being asked to encourage friends and family to do the same.

For every person that unlocks a moment, dairy workers and farmers will donate £1 until the £100,000 target is reached. The money will go towards supporting Mind, Inspire and the Scottish Association for Mental Health to continue delivering services and providing information to people experiencing mental health problems.

Dairy farmers are also being encouraged to use social media to promote the campaign using the hashtag #milkyourmoments.