Supply Chain In-Sites (SCI)
SCI, or Supply Chain In-Sites, is a 100% employee-owned “Beyond” certification body in the food and, increasingly, environment spheres. Our team are trusted experts in their field, from primary agriculture to food retailer to renewable energy expertise, all with global and local track records of success. Their experience means we assist our customers with all of their supply chain, technical and assurance challenges in both holistic and strategic ways.
We are not “suppliers” but rather are working in partnership with our customers to meet their objectives, KPI’s and future strategising, all within agreed timescales. We understand the value of our customers brands, and have extensive experience in developing bespoke risk management programmes for further business insights and assuredness. However, underpinning our forward thinking is still our greatness at traditional on-site audit for schemes, and bespoke audit and certification work.
Increasingly customers are looking for a broader range of and value-enhancing options to help them to manage their risks or issues they care most about. We believe that digital and data solutions that work hand-in-hand with the right technical experts will be an opportunity to provide valuable insights into your business and future planning. We are Supply Chain In-Sites. We are Beyond Certification.
For more information, visit: scin