CF Fertilisers
CF Fertilisers is the UK’s only manufacturer of Ammonium Nitrate, 34.5% N fertiliser ‘Nitram’. Its iconic blue bags have been a staple of British agriculture for over 50 years.
Its signature product Nitram sits alongside an extensive range of superior quality AN-based True Granular Compounds, with combination of N, P, K and S to match the needs of UK arable and grassland producers.
These high quality products can be spread accurately at 18-36m. CF’s extensive R&D programme helps growers to maximise Nitrogen fertiliser Use Efficiency (NfUE). CF has environmentally sustainable and pioneering services such as N-Min® designed for accurate soil Nitrogen testing alongside N-Calc planning application to achieve NfUE targets. The production of low carbon footprint Nitrogen fertiliser
Find out more at cffertilisers.co.uk/nfue-trials