Tips for managing your birds to ensure their wellbeing

Maintaining optimum bird health and welfare is a prerequisite for achieving good performance and profit.
The following articles have all appeared in recent issues of Poultry World, providing readers with up-to-date and practical advice on managing their birds to best effect.
Two-stage approach to building hygiene
Poultry producers who take a more structured and methodical approach to building hygiene will see big benefits, according to Russell Jones, intensive livestock specialist with Diversey.
Getting it right with footbaths
Biosecurity is a key part in the fight against animal diseases, together with vaccination and good management practice, find out the best practice for your farm.
Benefits from broiler shed enrichments
There has been such an expansion in retailer and assurance scheme requirements for broilers to be produced in houses with windows that it is now almost the norm, but Poultry World examines how necesssary they are.
Stragetgies for dealiong with red mites
Red mite infestations continue to take their toll on the physical and financial performance of the commercial layer sector, costing the EU industry an estimated £120m a year. Poultry World investigates some tips for dealing with these costly pests.
Picture emerging of IB spread in Europe
Find out why accurate and extensive diagnosis is critical to keep on top of infectious bronchitis in broilers and layers.
Benefits of early vaccination against Gumboro and Marek’s
Vaccinating to protect the chicken’s immune system can improve the immune response of other vaccinations, as Poultry World reports.
Meeting the challenge of poorer feed ingredients
Variable wheat quality and ration balancing could be having a dramatic impact on poultry health and productivity this year, as Olivia Cooper discovers.
‘Seed, feed and weed’, the new approach to gut disorders
Enteric disorders in poultry are a major burden on the industry – but an innovative new approach could finally provide an answer. Olivia Cooper reports.
Taking care with handling spent birds
Tips to help you identify “slightly unfit” hens at the end of lay and what can you do to ensure that they don’t suffer during transport.
For further advice on bird health and welfare, subscribe to Poultry World