Processors cut weekly pig price

Although the Deadweight Adjusted Pig Price moved up marginally and now stands at 160.42p/kg, weekly shout and spot prices continue to fall with Tulip clipping 3p off its price.
As a result, all of the other major players pulled their prices back by 2p – 3p so the price chart now reads:
- Woodheads 160p
- Tulip 156p
- Gills 156p
- Vion 155p
- Cranswick 155p
Spot buyers reflected the weather and were decidedly cold – sellers with regular slots were able to receive prices a shade below shout levels but spot sellers looking for homes had to face a further 5p reduction and accept 145p/kg or not move their pigs.
These falling prices were in spite of a much firmer euro which traded on Friday worth 83.75p up 1.2% on the week.
Cull sow prices provide a ready barometer of the health (or otherwise) of EU mainland pigmeat prices and cull sow quotes fell by another 3p – 4p/kg last week despite a firmer euro with most export abattoirs offering prices in the 92p – 94p/kg range.
Weaner buyers are also on the back foot due to falling finished pig prices, although this has yet to be reflected in the latest Agricultural and Horticultural Development Board 30kg statistics which are quoting an average of ÂŁ46.34/head for 30kg weaners on an ex-farm basis.
There is still a shortage of Freedom Food weaners which can be sold at a premium, but non-Freedom Food weaners are proving harder to move than in recent weeks.
Although a few weeks ago there were signs of easier grain prices these have now firmed again with the result that March wheat on the London LIFFE futures market closed at ÂŁ214.10/t at the end of last week and July at ÂŁ216.25/t.
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