RHI payments delayed by inaccurate documents

Common errors in installation standards and supporting documentation to applications for Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) payments are delaying accreditation and receipt of payments, said RHI technical manager at Ofgem, Katie Read.
An audit of applications showed errors included not keeping records of biomass volume used/stored (38%), heat transfer meters installed incorrectly (30%) and ineligible heat sources included on applications (9%) – all delaying acceptance to the scheme.
“If all the information on the application is correct the aim is to complete a review within 10 working days of receipt,” she said, speaking at the Energy Now Expo in Telford.
Applicants had much to gain. Ofgem figures suggest a 100kWh boiler running five hours daily could attract £3,800 a quarter depending on how the heat was utilised. Payment is dependant on type of system installed and mix of business and/or non-business use.
To date 1,600 application had been received and 900 accredited with just five rejected. Over 90% were for biomass burners, she added. In future, applicants must prove fuel was derived from sustainable sources – such as a farm’s own woodland – to receive support payments.
For more information on the Renewable Heat Incentive, visit the dedicated Farm Energy section