Online SPS forms get thumbs up from farmers

Almost everyone who filled out their Single Payment Scheme claim form online last year would recommend it, according to latest research.
The Rural Payments Agency, which is trying to encourage more farmers in England to use the online system, said more than 97% of people who used it in 2012 would recommend it to a friend.
Last year 42,000 out of 105,000 claims were submitted online. However, the agency wants to increase the figure as any new payment system introduced off the back of CAP reform is likely to have online as the default route to claim support.
If the paper option remains in two or three years’ time then it is likely to be there as an exception rather than the rule.
The agency says the online system benefits farmers as it is quick and easy and helps producers avoid common errors because it has built in automatic checks.
It also provides farmers with an instant receipt when they submit their form, saves on postage charges and avoids the inconvenience of having to photocopy completed forms in order to have a record of the claim submitted.
Changes introduced for 2013 will also make it easier for farmers to track the progress of any claim submitted online. The agency has increased the amount of information available to customers so they can see if they need to provide additional information or answer any queries.
Customers are also able to order Single Business Identifier barcode labels online for the first time in 2013.
Colin Barker from Longfield Farm, Teversham, Cambridgeshire, said he used to fill out his SPS5 on paper, but having tried the online version would not go back.
“SPS online is much quicker because it also saves all last year’s information. If not much has changed you can finish the whole thing within an hour.
“I’m in my sixties and didn’t grow up with computers but now I use the internet, email and do most of my admin online. Lots of people of my generation get frightened of computers, but there is no reason. It is amazing how quickly you pick it up. I’d encourage everyone to give SPS online a try.”
The RPA will not be sending out paper forms to anyone who submitted their claim online last year.
In order to encourage farmers to have a go for the first time, the agency is sending everyone a reminder of their Personal Identification Number to go online, along with a booklet explaining how to register and enrol for the service.
Over-claimers could lose SPS payment