Mixed barley results near Radstock

Spring barley yields are quite pleasing at Manor Farm, Radstock, Somerset, but James Francis is less impressed with his winter barley results.

“The winter barley is on wet ground and just sat in water over the winter,” he said. “As a result, it’s only yielded 5.6t/ha.”

The 8ha of Propino spring barley that Mr Francis had cut so far had yielded a reasonable 6.2t/ha, and looked to be producing a nice sample.

But oilseed rape was very mixed. “We sprayed it 10 days ago (6 August) so it should be ready next week,” he said. “It’s very much some-and-some.

“I’m amazed by how it’s changed since the spring, but even so, if it averages 2.5t/ha we’ll be happy.”

Rain today and heavy showers tomorrow meant there wouldn’t be much cut over the weekend, said Mr Francis.

“We’ve only got 20ha of winter wheat – on the drier ground it looks fine, but where it sat in water over the winter it isn’t so good.”

Crop: Winter barley
Variety: Cassia
Area: 16ha
Yield: 5.6t/ha

Crop: Spring barley
Variety: Propino
Area: 8ha
Yield: 6.2t/ha

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