Above average yields near Dundee

Ian Moncrieff is making good progress with the winter barley harvest at Berry Hill Farm, Dundee, and is pleased with slightly better than average yields.

“We got 325t from 105 acres, which is slightly above average – and the bushel weight was 62kg/hl at 16.5% moisture, so that will increase a bit with drying,” he said.

Some farmers had started cutting spring barley in the area, and Mr Moncrieff’s brother-in-law had also started wheat in East Lothian.

“It’s probably not going to be a record-breaker, but it should be slightly above average,” he said.

Wheat and oilseed rape looked very good at Berry Hill Farm, too. “I think that winter barley will definitely be the worst crop here.

“We drilled our rape on 11 September last year, and it’s recovered really well.”

The weather had also been kind over the summer, added Mr Moncrieff. “We’re right on the East coast and have had the best harvesting weather we’ve had for quite a long time.

“We had rain last night (15 August) but it’s sunny and windy today, so we’re back on drilling oilseed rape this morning.”

Mr Moncrieff started drilling rape on 9 August – slightly early but into nearly ideal conditions. “Hopefully that will get it off to a good start.”

Crop: Winter barley
Variety: Meridian
Area: 43ha
Yield: 7.6t/ha

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