Wet weather forces venue change for Grassland UK

Grassland UK will still go ahead on 10 May but will now take place on the Bath & West Showground.
Huge quantities of rain have fallen on the site in the past few days, said a spokeswoman from the Bath & West of England Show Society. That has made it impossible for machines to work and the society has had to cancel the working demos because the site is waterlogged.
Instead, all 167 stands will move from the grass fields at Bridge Farm and Bagborough Farm to the hard standing on the Bath & West Showground site next door.
Although the working demos aren’t happening, said the organisers, all the machinery that would have been working will be on site for farmers and contractors to see in the flesh.
That also applies to the new equipment, the muck and slurry tackle and seminars and the vast array of products and advice.
Main sponsor Agrii has also confirmed that it will still be running a display on its stand (98) by Natural Resource Management demonstrating the importance of carefully controlled inputs on grass.
• Visitors should still use the same postcode on their satnavs – BA4 6QN – and anyone with queries should contact the organisers on 01749 822 200.
• All stand numbers remain the same and you can see a new map of the show layout on the organiser’s website