RPA aims to boost online SPS applications

The Rural Payments Agency is to contact more than 20,000 farmers over the next few months to persuade them to submit their single farm payment applications online in 2014.
The government payments agency says it will be focusing on farm agents who still submit the bulk of their claims on paper and farmers who use the Cattle Tracing Service (CTS) online, but are not yet sending their farming Single Payment Scheme (SPS) applications online.
In 2013, some 14,000 claimants made the switch and applied electronically for the first time, which means now more than half of all SPS customers reap the benefits of the built-in checks, security and instant acknowledgement of receipt of their application.
RPA customer director Justin Chamberlain said: “We would urge farmers to make 2014 the year they move more of their business online.
“The forthcoming reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and the new system that will administer the replacement to the Single Payment Scheme (the Basic Payment Scheme due for launch in 2015) is being designed as an online service, so moving online is now an urgent priority for farmers.
“SPS Online is easy to access, faster and more secure and offers built-in checks and an online receipt. Most farmers now choose the online route because it makes good business sense.
“Applicants used to paper forms will find the online layout familiar but with a few extra benefits. If you don’t know where to start, we are happy to help. Call our helpline or look out for our demonstrations at forthcoming trade shows and events.”
The RPA makes CAP support payments, traces livestock and carries out inspections. It manages more than 40 schemes, paying farmers and traders more than £2bn each year.
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