Addington Fund to help pay for fodder haulage

The Addington Fund has announced that it will use some of the money it raises to help farmers affected by the flooding to pay for the haulage of feed and straw.
The charity is taking donations to help farmers affected by the floods in Somerset and says these will be held in a restricted fund to be used solely for supporting farming families on the levels.
Ian Bell, fund director, said that while offers of donated straw and fodder were being dealt with by Sedgemoor Auction Market (01278 410 278) there was still the cost of transport to be addressed.
Therefore, where fodder had been donated, the Addington Fund would make a contribution towards the haulage costs so there was no hold up in getting vital supplies through.
“In the short term one thing we can do is to help shift that fodder. We think that is a very practical and immediate response.”
Mr Bell said the true extent of the damage on the levels would not be evident until the water subsided, and the media had disappeared. So the second part of the charity’s reponse would be the provision of housing for people who needed it.
The charity would be looking to offer various options tailored to the needs of individual families. “We could see some real horrors when this water has gone, “ he said.
To make a donation to the Addington Fund complete the following online form and mark the donation “for Somerset” in the comment box.
Read more: Flood-hit farmers – how you can help