Weather, work and machines: 10 photos that sum up harvest

As harvest draws to a close, we look back at some of the pictures that empitomize the spirit of harvest 2014; sun, clouds, rain, hard work, the machines and of course, the crops.

The weather was a real mixed-bag this year, lots of sun around, with some areas baking in July but plenty of rain and storms too, disrupting the work.

See more of the photos sent in by Farmers Weekly readers in our Harvest Highlights gallery.

Next week we reveal the winner of the harvest magazine cover competition.

Team work

Harvest 2014
Team work is what it’s all about. This picuture of John Deeres combining the fields was taken by J Taylor

Mixed weather

Harvest dark clouds
The weather was a mixed bag this year. Robert Thomas combining winter wheat in Rugby just as a rain storm threatens to disrupt the day. Photo taken by Susan Thomas.

Mixed farming

Livestock and combines at harvest
Cows and combines – harvesting wheat in Warwickshire. Photo sent in by Heather.

Golden crops

Harvest golden crops and dark sky
The black sky contrasts dramatically with the golden crop in Buckinghamshire. Photo from Freddie South of Waddesdon Farms

Green machines

Lexion combining at harvest
Is someone so obsessed with their green Lexion that they’re trying to colour co-ordinate it with their harvest? Photo by Claire Rhind.


Harvest stormy clouds
Julie Standen said “My friend who is a farmer said I should send this picture to you as they felt it ‘sums up the harvest season in one photo’.

And more storms

Harvest storm clouds
Chased by the storm at Guilden Morden in Cambridgheshire. Photo by Nick Agouropoulos.

Working as the sun sets

Harvest at sunset
The sun setting while D.S.Hynd & Sons combine near Coupar Angus, Blairgowrie, Perthshire makes this photo look as though it’s on fire. Photo by Jennifer Hynd.

Combining by night

Harvest at night
Dust in the work lights gives the impression that Simon’s Lexion 760 has just exploded as he unloads at the end of run in Santiago wheat. Lizzie Coe caught this image at Suttons Farm near Bury St Edmunds when it was dry and dusty in early August.

Finally, rest

Harvest rest
“A well earned rest after a hard days stacking”. “Cheers” to all those who worked hard over harvest and had the time to send photos into our Harvest Highlights gallery. Photo sent in by Beverley Cornthwaite.

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