Sugar beet growers reminded to grow approved varieties

The beet seed ordering time is approaching and growers are being warned that some advertised varieties are not approved for sowing by British Sugar.

The NFU points to an advert from SESVanderHave advertising beet varieties for 2024 sowing, including Magpie, Raven and Jackdaw which are not on the BBRO (British Beet Research Organisation) Recommended List.

Currently, these varieties are not approved for sowing by British Sugar, says the organisation.

See also: Two new tolerant varieties added to sugar beet recommended list

NFU says the terms of the British Sugar beet contract require growers to sow varieties approved by British Sugar.

This means growers of sugar beet for British Sugar would not be able to grow these varieties without British Sugar’s consent.

It does not apply to crops being grown for any other customer, such as for anaerobic digestion or fodder.

See the full BBRO Recommended List for 2024 drilling.

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