Seize control at Crops conference

IMPROVING FARMING fortunes through collaboration, media awareness and intelligent marketing will be the focus of two forthcoming Crops conferences in England and Scotland.
The conferences will be held on 16 November (Perth, Scotland) and 23 November (Linton, Cambridgeshire) and will provide forward-looking arable business advice, as well as new ideas aimed at encouraging farmers to create a positive future.
“For years the industry has been protected from the real market by production subsidies, but these have largely gone,” said Julian Gairdner, arable editor of Farmers Weekly.
“In an increasingly volatile market, it is now more important than ever to be open to change, and to consider all the options available when deciding what to grow.”
Lord Bach will be among the speakers at Linton, giving the government’s view on agricultural policy for English growers.
Scottish growers will be able to listen to Scottish MEP, Andrew Arbuckle setting out the political vision for agriculture in Scotland. The former US Department of Agriculture’s Jim Grueff will also give his views on the World Trade Organisation and international trade from a US standpoint.
Six BASIS points are available to those attending either of this year’s conferences.
Click here for the full conference programme and registration form.