Quality holds up at Blakemere

Philip Gorringe cut 200t of wheat yesterday (9 September) at Lower Blakemere Farm, Blakemere, Herefordshire, but still has wheat and peas to combine.

“We had a very good day yesterday – the majority of it was under 16% moisture, and although everyone was thinking it would be disastrous, the quality of the seed is fine.”

Einstein, normally very resistant to sprouting, had only grown out where deer had been in the field, he said.

“We have got two more blocks of wheat to do – it was all late drilled and is standing fine.”

Yields had been better than expected, with the latest field of Gymnast, grown for seed, averaging over 8.6t/ha (3.5t/acre).

“It was planted in bad conditions but a lot of it did over 10t/ha (4t/acre) – I was pleased with that.

“We’ve got Cordiale next – that was drilled in March – we might get into it on Sunday.”

After that would be peas, said Mr Gorringe. “They are not entirely fit – they’ve still got some green in them.

“I was worried about how they would be, but it will be the ground conditions that will make them awkward, rather than anything else.”

Most people had finished their wheat in the area, although there were still some fields to tidy up. “There are several fields of beans to get, though.”

Crop: Winter wheat
Variety: Gymnast
Yield: 8.6t/ha (3.5t/acre)

Crop: Winter barley
Variety: Saffron
Area: 80ha (200 acres)
Yield: 7.4t/ha (3t/acre)

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