Analysis: Signs of cautious optimism for oilseed rape?

After another challenging growing season and a further 17% fall in the area, the UK’s winter oilseed rape crop for harvest 2025 is the smallest since 1983.

Higher risk, lower reward and competition from the Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) have all contributed to its fall from grace, creating a supply-demand imbalance and leading to a surge in imports.

Such a seismic shift in the crops’ fortunes can be traced back to the neonicotinoid ban, with the unintended consequences of that decision and a lack of alternative pest control options causing many farmers to abandon the crop.

See also: Analysis: Is there still a place for pulses on UK arable farms?

With demand remaining close to 2m tonnes annually, falling domestic production means that 64% of the oilseed rape being imported this year is expected to come from countries that still use neonicotinoids.


That has worrying implications for food security, economic growth and biodiversity, says United Oilseeds, which is spearheading an industry-wide initiative called OSR Reboot to address some of challenges and restore the profitability of oilseed rape production in the UK.

As United Oilseeds managing director James Warner explains, the UK will be importing 1.3m tonnes this year. “In a decade, we’ve gone from being the fifth biggest exporter of oilseed rape to being a major importer.

“That’s a £1bn loss to the UK.”

He points out that there has also been an impact on nature recovery – pollinators have suffered in the crucial spring period without flowering oilseed rape, and the lack of home-produced edible oil is a food security issue.

“Just 14% of the rapeseed oil used in the UK comes from UK crops.”

Crushing outlook

Crushers have been hit too, reveals Rory Blacklock, general manager at ADM. He points out that the triple challenge of Brexit, Covid and the Ukraine war have underlined the need for more domestic oilseed rape production.

He also highlights the dangers of the UK being over-reliant on imports from one area and the importance of rapeseed meal for the livestock industry.

“The Ukraine war showed just how vulnerable we are to supply shocks, and highlighted the costs and uncertainty of bringing freight into the country.

“It also underlined the place that rapeseed meal has in the drive for sustainable proteins,” comments Rory. “Filling that protein gap matters; losing any more area really puts us at risk.”

So what can be done? Making the crop profitable again is the main challenge, agree most.

Oilseed rape economics

According to Robert Sullivan, director at GSC Grays, the economics of a high-yielding rape crop (3.28t/ha) outweigh all the alternatives, including SFI replacement actions such as a legume fallow.

“It’s the poorer crops (1.5t/ha) or crop failures where the economics fail and legume fallow looks more attractive,” he acknowledges.

The risk associated with growing oilseed rape can be addressed by doing different things, he advises, which is where other, complementary SFI actions have a place.

“Payments for companion crops, zero insecticide and summer cover crops can bring another £225/ha. If you then add in direct drilling and variable rate fertiliser application payments, you can get the best part of another £100/ha.”

Where it performs, oilseed rape is the best paying break crop, says Robert. “However, there’s no avoiding the fact that you need to get 1.8t/ha for it to be comparable to legume fallow.”

As a result, his advice is to use the SFI to de-risk the crop. “Remember, too, that the cost of growing winter wheat after a legume fallow will be higher than after oilseed rape.”

Economics of growing winter oilseed rape plus SFI

  High-yielding crop (seed yield 3.4t/ha) Low-yielding crop (seed yield 1.8t/ha)
Output £/ha £/ha
Seed yield 1,394 (@£410/t) 738 (@£410/t)
Bonus (@10%) 139 (@£41/t) 74 (@£41/t)
CIPM3 55 55
CIPM4 45 45
SOH3 163 163
Total output 1,796 1,075
Variable costs    
Seed (crop) 83 83
Seed (companions) 15 15
Seed (summer cover crop) 22 22
Nitrogen fertiliser 218 185
Phosphorus fertiliser 57 57
Potassium fertiliser 25 25
Sprays 250 200
Drying/levies 41 22
Total variable costs 711 609
Gross margin 1,085 466
Source: GSC Grays/United Oilseeds. This compares to the gross margin of a legume fallow of £468/ha, where the payment is £593/ha and the costs are £125/ha

Flea beetle research results

A 68% reduction in adult beetles coming out of the ground in September to feed on newly emerging crops has been recorded where cultivation took place immediately after harvest, reports Colin Peters of Niab.

Work to understand more about the most effective form of cultivation has stalled, following the loss of funding, but early indications suggested that the best results came when the top profile was thoroughly stirred, he adds.

“We also looked at companion crops and we did see differences in larvae numbers, but that work now needs doing on a larger scale.”

Otherwise, there is increasing anecdotal evidence that growing oilseed rape away from the previous years crop will reduce emergence damage.

“The suggested distance is 2km, but we haven’t tested this yet,” notes Colin. “The work has been done in Sweden and initial results suggest it is better than growing oilseed rape adjacent to the previous crop and using volunteers as a trap crop.”

Flea beetle risk reduction pointers


  • Rapid, vigorous and even establishment – soil moisture, nutrition, etc
  • Sowing date and seed rate – early to tolerate damage or late to avoid adults
  • Companion crops – reduce beetle numbers
  • Trap crops – do they attract flea beetle away from cash crop?
  • Organic amendments – deter adult beetles?
  • Post-harvest cultivations – a method of reducing overall numbers
  • Pre-sowing cultivations – anecdotal evidence of lower numbers with min-till
  • Stubble/straw management – reduces levels of damage


  • Sowing date – spread dates, the later the better 
  • Companion crops – lower larvae numbers where used
  • Trap crops – does leaving volunteers attract the pest?
  • Seed rate – higher seed rates result in more larvae
  • Defoliation – grazing or topping, beware yield impact
  • Pre-sowing cultivations – do they help?

Case studies

Ben Jackson, North Lincolnshire

Ben JacksonFor North Lincolnshire grower and United oilseeds chairman Ben Jackson, growing oilseed rape for the past 10 years has not been without its difficulties.

Up until 2022, oilseed rape was the second-best paying crop on the farm, average yields were 3.8t/ha and pre-Christmas crop losses didn’t exceed 5%.

As a result, it was 25% of the rotation.

But 2023 and 2024 were very different years with plenty of challenges and the results plummeted, he recalls.

“For harvest 2023, we lost 20% of the crop before winter and our average yield was 2.8t/ha.”

Worse was still to come. In 2024, despite reducing the crop area to 15% of the rotation, as much as half of the oilseed rape area was lost and yields dropped again to 2.5t/ha.

“We encountered a bit of everything,” he says. “Flea beetle pressure, slugs, pigeons and flooding were the main issues – a familiar tale for many growers.”

Despite that, Ben has persevered with the crop and tried various mitigations.

“We’re on heavy land which is not really suitable for spring cropping and there’s no avoiding the fact that oilseed rape is the best paying break crop in most years.”

His loyalty seems to have been rewarded. His harvest 2025 crop – which is 10% of the cropped land – has established well and pre-Christmas losses were back to 5%.

“I’m much more hopeful this year; it looks fantastic.

“We are also de-risking the crop with Sustainable Farming Incentive actions, such as companion cropping and precision fertiliser, as well as a summer cover crop after oilseed rape.

“It will put a base income into the crop and take some of the risk out of it.”

This spring’s survey of stem larvae numbers will also help, believes Ben. “It should give us an idea of what the pressure will look like later in the year and understand what the risk is for the next crop.”  

Julian Gold, Oxfordshire

Julian GoldOilseed rape is grown on a 1 in 6/7 basis at East Hendred Estate in Oxfordshire, where the five-year yield average is 3.09t/ha.

Farm manager Julian Gold acknowledges that there are risk factors with the crop, but stresses that it holds its own in most years.

Yields have come back a bit, he notes, but the regenerative system in place on the farm means that he is using lower nitrogen rates than he used to.

“I’m going to continue pulling them down from the current level of 190-200kg/ha, so it will be interesting to see what happens with output,” he says.

Establishment is key, believes Julian, who has switched to hybrid varieties at 50 seeds/sq m and will not drill if there is no rain forecast.

Companion crops are a must, as is plenty of consolidation, with rolling done two or three times to guarantee seed-to-soil contact.

Flea beetle has not been a big problem, which Julian attributes to the wide rotation and inclusion of companion crops. Mixing berseem clover in with the rape seed, at 4-5kg/ha, has worked well.

The crop is not grown adjacent to fields that had it previously or where the winter bird food option is in place. “We’ve seen crop damage in these locations before, so we avoid them now.”    

Otherwise, the aim is to keep input use down.

The main spend is on post-emergence Belkar (halauxifen+ picloram) herbicide, an autumn and spring fungicide and good nutrition, including boron and magnesium.

“Growth regulation is usually cost-effective, as are pod stickers.”  

A pod stick product used in a separate pass has allowed him to leave out a pre-harvest glyphosate application. “But you need to remove the cleavers if you want to harvest without glyphosate.”

Poultry manure was used last autumn, so he currently has very lush, forward crops. “Now I’m wondering if they are too thick. I aim for a green area index of 3.5 at flowering.”

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