Organic winter wheat yields 9.9t/ha in Scottish Borders

An organic winter wheat crop has yielded nearly 10t/ha near Berwick-upon-Tweed in the Scottish Borders.

The Revelation winter wheat cut on 10 September yielded 9.9t/ha over 9ha – a new farm record for seed producers and merchants LC Smales & Son.

Company director Anna McCowan says a strong strategy on tackling weeds within the confines of producing an organic crop paid off.

See also: Only 20% of wheat cut in Scottish harvest

The Revelation was drilled at 220kg/ha at the beginning of October, following a two-year white clover ley.

She said: “The clover was ploughed up on 22 August and we then ran a Kvik-up [a specialist made Danish cultivator] through the fields twice to reduce the dock population before the crop went in.”

In the spring 2.4t/ha of granulated lime was applied to improve the pH and an application of liquid manganese and sulphur to combat deficiencies.

Ms McCowan estimates that the high yields are in part thanks to the crop getting sufficient doses of sunshine when it was needed.

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