New OSR fungicide fights disease and pushes yield

A new oilseed rape fungicide will be available this spring to provide vital protection against sclerotinia and helping to boost yield.

New product Pictor contains the SDHI boscalid – the same active ingredient in the widely used Filan – and a brand new active to oilseed rape, dimoxystrobin, so offering good resistance management.

Produced by the agrochemical giant BASF, it can be applied at flowering and will help build yield irrespective of disease levels, says the company.

Steven Dennis of BASF explains the addition of the strobilurin will prove useful for the coming season in helping to safeguard the SDHI element of the fungicide.

“The SDHI chemistry is vital for oilseed rape growers. Adding the strobilurin will offer a second mode of action against sclerotinia and help protect this chemistry.”

Experts estimate the disease can cause up to 50% yield loss on each plant affected. Last season the disease caused particular problems due to a prolonged flowering period in some crops, with growers having to spray twice in some areas.

Mr Dennis points out the addition of dimoxystrobin will help improve plant health and could help reduce the impact of verticillium wilt.

Meanwhile growers could also see a benefit against light leaf spot, offering protection to the pod canopy, although this is typically controlled earlier in the season.

There is the opportunity to save on an extra pass with the sprayer, according to Mr Dennis, who says the product can be tank-mixed with a pyrethroid insecticide.

The flowering spray should be applied between growth stage 63-65 to achieve maximum control on sclerotinia.

Pictor key facts

  • Active ingredients: boscalid + dimoxystrobin
  • Max two applications: Total dose 1.0 litre/ha
  • Key timing: Early flowering for sclerotinia control
  • Latest timing growth stage 75 (50% pods final size)
  • Max individual dose: 0.5 litre/ha

See also: Find out more about sclerotinia

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