New maize varieties to improve yields

New performers on the 2010 NIAB Forage Maize Descriptive List are expected to radically improve crop yields.

Varieties such as NK Smile and NK Jasmic are driving forward the overall yield potential of maize crops with average yields of the best varieties reaching 20t/ha, according to NIAB forage specialists Don Pedergrast.

“We are also seeing significant yield improvements within maturity classes, for example with Artist, he says.

The result is not just improvements in sheer bulk yield but with excellent ME and starch yields per hectare. A number of varieties are now topping ME yields of 220,000MJ/ha and starch yields of 6.5t/ha. And for the first time the 2010 Descriptive List also features a maturity class 13 variety, Kaspian, which sets new maturity levels combined with excellent quality characters.

“Such performances were unheard of even two years ago in UK trials, and clearly show the continual improvement of genetic material for UK growers,” says Mr Pendergrast.

The following are the new First Choice varieties on the 2010 NIAB Forage Maize Descriptive List.

Early varieties 1st choice in favourable and less favourable locations

KASPIAN (Huntseeds) An ultra early variety, which will performs particularly well on marginal sites and in favourable sites where early harvest is required. It is the first Maturity Class 13 variety, there is a small yield penalty for the increase in maturity but the excellent quality characteristics, with starch content above 38% producing overall starch yield of 6.3t/ha which is comparable with the best of the MC 10/11 varieties. While the energy yields of around 185,000MJ/ha are comparable to the best MC 11 energy yields. It also has good standing power for a very early variety.

ARTIST (Limagrain) variety is an ultra early; it shows the best yield performance in its maturity group. The excellent yield combined with good quality characteristics produces the best energy yields in the maturity class and joint best starch yields. MC 10.

KREEL (KWS UK) MC 9 in favourable and marginal conditions, excellent yields for its maturity.

LG31.81 (Limagrain) Shows excellent quality characteristics for its maturity class, of particular note is its starch content of 36.4% in marginal sites which makes it the best in its maturity group. MC 9.

NIGELLA (Syngenta) MC 7 in favourable and marginal conditions, excellent yield for its maturity, it also shows excellent lodging resistance and early vigour.

KERUBIM (KWS UK ) MC 7 in favourable and marginal conditions, excellent yields for its maturity.

SUREHAND (Saaten Union) MC 7 in favourable and marginal conditions, excellent yields for its maturity.

LARICIO (Maisadour) MC 6, good balance of yield and quality, plus extremely good early vigour (8.0)

NK JASMIC (Syngenta) MC 6, the highest yielding variety in early list (112% marginal, 113% favourable) the variety shows good quality characteristics and good early vigour.

Medium-early varieties 1st choice

Locations where growers can achieve maximum yield potential due to very favourable growing locations and conditions

NK SMILE (Syngenta) MC 6, the highest yielding variety in the medium early list 113%, comparable in performance to NK Jasmic but with slightly superior quality and early vigour but a later maturing variety.

MAS 19F (Maisadour) MC 5, good balance of yield and quality for its maturity.

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