New academy offers advice on stubble weed control

Hitting weeds before drilling is becoming a more important part of weed management and farmers can brush up on their understanding of weed control in stubbles by studying a Farmers Weekly Academy module .
Grassweeds and volunteers can be a costly problem in arable crops, particularly with herbicide resistance and the loss of some active ingredients.
See also:Â Combine-mounted mill crushes weed seeds on the go
Producers are increasingly relying on tackling weeds in stubble – but if done incorrectly it will achieve disappointing control.
It is, therefore, vital to make effective use of every tool in the armoury – from glyphosate to cultural control – to optimise stubble hygiene.
In the new stubble weed management module, within the weed control course on the Farmers Weekly Academy website, Adas experts Sarah Cook and Lynn Tatnell help fill in knowledge gaps and help farmers make the most of their stale-seed beds.
Study the full Stubble Weed Management module and earn two Basis CPD points by taking the test.