Maximise the benefits of natural manures

Hi-Spec Engineering will be showcasing two products at Cereals ideally suited to farmers or contractors looking to maximise the use of liquid and solid manures in the face of increasing compound fertiliser prices.
3000-gallon tanker/injector combination
One of the problems with surface application of liquid slurry is the loss of ammonium nitrogen into the atmosphere. To avoid this, Hi-Spec will have on display a new tanker and injector combination designed specifically for large arable or livestock farmers and contractors.
The combination is designed around a standard 3,000-gallon Hi-Spec vacuum tanker. However, to keep ground compaction to a minimum, this has been equipped with a high-speed tandem axle which incorporates commercial specification braking and a steering rear axle, to which are fitted Trelleborg 750/60-35 tyres to create as light a footprint as possible.
For filling, to keep filling turn-around time to a minimum, the tanker is fitted with an 11,000 litres/minute vacuum pump and is filled through a six-inch diameter Autofill arm that is hydraulically operated from the cab.
The intake system also incorporates a Vogelsang Rotacut 5000 chopping unit to avoid any potential blockage to the injectors caused by straw or silage in the slurry. The chopping unit itself features an auto-reverse function to avoid the risk of potential blockage.
For injecting the slurry, the tanker is fitted with a 5.6m Steeno injector unit, which is a new option for Hi-Spec tankers. The injector unit has 32 outlets and is fed through a Vogelsang Dosimat distributor head. Each of the disc and injector units is individually sprung for optimum ground contour following and can be set to work at depths of between 1-10cm.
The standard specification for this new tanker/injector combination also includes an electro-hydraulic control system and full lighting.
XCEL 1250 rear-discharge flail spreader
For solids spreading, Hi-Spec Engineering will also have on display the XCEL 1250 spreader, which, unlike other rear-discharge spreaders, is fitted with a horizontal flail rotor.
The XCEL spreader has a solids capacity of 12t, or liquids capacity of 11.5m3, with a loading height of just 2.5 metres, and is suitable for use with a tractor of at least 100hp. The robust main body of the XCEL spreader is manufactured using 5mm plate steel for the floor and 4mm plate on the sides, which is then shot-blasted prior to painting to ensure a durable finish. The drive to the main spreading components is through heavy-duty driveshafts powered by 200hp capacity gearboxes.
The sides of the spreader are tapered for easy loading and the contents of the spreader is carried to the rear of the machine on a twin chain and slat floor, which are automatically tensioned and have a breaking capacity of 80t. These are powered by a variable hydraulic motor with overload protection, which is controlled from the cab. The rear slurry door is operated by a slave and master cylinder system to guarantee it stays level at all times for an even spread.
For spreading, in place of the vertical beaters found on other machines, the XCEL 1250 features a horizontal rotor to which are attached 24 heavy-duty marine-grade chains that have a 10t breaking capacity. These in turn are fitted with Hardox steel flails to effectively break up even the densest of manure.
By using chains in place of solid rotors the contents of the spreader can still be effectively broken up and shredded, but in the event of a solid object being encountered, this will pass through without causing any damage to the spreader.
From the flail rotor, the broken-up material falls onto two hydraulically-driven 960mm-diameter spreading discs. Both the discs have shear bolt protection and are fitted with two spreading vanes. For lighter, dry material such as chicken litter or pellets, six-vane discs are available as an option.
Depending on material, the twin rotors give an even spreading width of between 16 and 20 metres and enable a full 12t load to be spread in about three to five minutes.
The standard specification includes a central greasing point and automatic chain oiler and tensioner, plus protective covers for the rear lights and indicators, and a slurry door height indicator. The XCEL 1250 is also fitted as standard with 580/70 R38 tyres, with hydraulic brakes, to ensure that compaction and rutting is kept to a minimum.
Cereals 2011 exhibitor information as supplied by Hi-Spec Engineering.