Cover crops halve N leaching and up yields by 10%

A grower study has found cover crops can lift yields by as much as 10% while slashing the amount of nitrogen that is leached from a field by up to half.

The research, which was headed by Niab, looked at 13 farmers growing for the breakfast cereal company Kellogg’s, comparing areas with and without cover crops.

On top of the yield and environmental benefits brought by cover crops, a majority of farms also saw an increase in worm numbers, which are essential for maintaining healthy soils.

See also: 6 things to consider before drilling your cover crop

The results of the study have been condensed into a Cover Crop Cookbook that offers growers practical tips and agronomic advice to make cover cropping a success.

Ron Stobart

Ron Stobart

Ron Stobart, Niab’s head of farming systems research, says the study has added science to clarify the cover crop “grey area” and provide answers on the obtainable benefits.

“If you travelled 100 years back in time, most farmers would have known about cover cropping, but for so long now the answer has come in a bag, with artificial fertilisers.

“There’s a great deal of interest among the farming community in managing soil resources, and with this study we have brought some science on what was a bit of a grey area to get some answers on the benefits of cover cropping.”

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