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How we can beat cabbage stem flea beetle

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BASF offers renowned and innovative fungicides, herbicides, insecticides and growth regulators for agriculture. Our products and services help farmers increase their yields and optimize the quality of their products.

In the war against CFSB, we have learnt that there are two key battles to be won.

Firstly, we need to reduce the adult feeding damage at establishment, and secondly, we need to improve the resilience of the individual plants to tolerate the larval load in the spring.

We can win both battles if we aim for a moderate seed rate, fast and even emergence, and good autumn vigour to establish strong individual plants in the spring.

Where drilling has been delayed due to the catchy weather, we can still succeed – fast and even emergence is determined by seedbed conditions not date and a variety with good autumn vigour such as any of the InVigor® varieties will grow away well.

Where can the Clearfield® system help?

Clearfield graphic

SU residue tolerance

Spring SU use followed by reduced soil disturbance at establishment increases the risk of SU residues affecting emergence and early crop growth.

All Clearfield® varieties are unaffected by this.

Excellent variety choice

There are 16 Clearfield® varieties available for autumn 2021, many of which have good autumn vigour and up on yield with conventional varieties.

The BASF InVigor® varieties InV1166CL® and InV1266CL® with Integral Pro have both strong autumn and spring vigour enabling them to cope with an unpredictable autumn and winter.

All InVigor® varieties are covered under the Establishment Risk Share Programme.

Find out more about The BASF OSR Establishment Risk Share Programmes.

Clearfield® hybrids available in 2021

BASF InV1166CL | InV1266CL
Corteva Agriscience™ PT279CL | PX125CL
Dekalb DK Imprint CL | DK Imove CL | DK Immortal |DK Imperial CL | DK Impressario CL | DK Impression CL
DSV Matrix CL | Plurax CL
KWS Himmedia CL
Limagrain Conrad CL | ConstructorCL
RAGT Seeds Nizza CL
Note: Clearfield® herbicides should ONLY be used on Clearfield varieties (name has CL suffix)

Timely weed control

Timely weed removal at 1-4 true leaves of the weed aids autumn crop growth. Clearfield® herbicides have the widest weed spectrum of any herbicide, including troublesome brassica weeds.

In early drilled crops, weeds such as charlock and chickweed grow quickly and need a timely removal.

During our increasingly open autumns, charlock can quickly become too big to be affected by frosts or the late use of bifenox, and early drilling will also exacerbate the problem.

Volunteer rape can also be a problem as it causes overly thick plant populations that yield poorly and have thin stems.

As a result, they aren’t as capable of tolerating larvae.

Volunteer osr and charlock sprayed 7 days ago, starting to show herbicide effects. Aim for applications by the end of October while there is still active growth

Clearfield® herbicides provide excellent crop safety with a flexible crop timing from cotyledon to 8 true leaves, providing no check to growth through the critical autumn period.

Weeds controlled by Clearfield herbicides include:

General broad-leaved weeds Brassica weeds Grassweeds
Chickweed, Cleavers, Crane’s-bill, Dead nettles, Groundsel, Mayweed, Poppy, Shepherd’s purse, Speedwells Charlock, Hedge mustard Runch Volunteer cereals

How to get the best out of the Clearfield® System

Download a quick guide here: How to get the best out of Clearfield®

Water Stewardship with wHen2g0

wHen2g0 is a smart tool which helps to improve application timings of metazachlor and quinmerac, to minimise the risk to water.

By evaluating a combination of soil type, drainage, cultivation method and weather, the tool provides an eight-day forecast with a traffic light system to indicate the optimum timing for water stewardship.

By following the recommendation, you can ensure your herbicide application stays in the field where it is needed and minimises threat to water.

Read more about Water Stewardship here.