More than 80% of Scots wheat still to cut, says AHDB report

While many farmers in England have now completed their cereal and oilseed harvest, progress north of the border has slowed to a crawl over the past two weeks as rain and humid conditions have halted combines.

According to the latest AHDB harvest progress report, 84% of the Scottish wheat harvest is still to cut, having progressed by only 4 percentage points in the two weeks since the previous report. Farmers Weekly takes a closer look at the report.



The wheat harvest in the UK is 95% complete in the week ending 11 September. This is similar to last year’s pace (96% complete) and the five-year average (93% complete).

See also: How to companion crop successfully in winter wheat

Harvest is reported as complete in all regions apart from Scotland, where progress has been delayed by rainfall and fog, resulting in increased grain moisture. The wheat harvest in Scotland is 16% complete.


Yields in the UK remain down 8% on the five-year average, at 7.42t/ha. Lower yields are reported in all regions except the East, where yields slightly above the five-year average have been seen.

Variability of yields is a significant challenge and makes reporting averages difficult. Some growers have managed to produce high yields given the circumstances, but many have seen significant drops.


  • Specific weight Figures for milling samples has been encouraging, averaging 76-78kg/hl. Some feed samples have exceeded 80kg/hl.
  • Hagberg Falling Number (HFN) There are no problems reported. However, given the rainfall in Scotland, lower HFNs may be reported in due course as quality is assessed.
  • Protein Group 1 samples have averaged generally 11.5% to 12%, although some samples have exceeded 13%.
  • Moisture The average observed across the UK so far is 15.3%.

Spring barley


The spring barley harvest is 79% complete in the UK, as of 11 September, which is behind the average pace for the time of year (83% complete).

Harvest of the crop is now completed in many regions in England, although there remains 19% to be cut in the West Midlands and North West.

In Scotland, harvesting of spring barley is 50% complete, up from 4% a fortnight ago. There has been little progress made over the past fortnight in Wales and Northern Ireland.


Yields of spring barley are reported to be down 4% on the five-year average. The average yield in the UK is 5.67t/ha. This is expected to rise with the inclusion of further results from Scotland in the coming weeks.


  • Specific weight The current average is 65kg/hl. Grains are generally a good size, with specific weights higher than those of winter malting varieties.
  • Screenings Very good levels are reported, with retentions on a 2.25mm sieve in excess of 95%.
  • Grain nitrogen (for malting varieties) Nitrogen content has averaged 1.45%, with samples ranging from 1.2% to 1.9%. Samples at the high end for nitrogen are few and far between, with the majority of samples in the 1.2% to 1.6% range.
  • Germination Early assessments suggest germination is in excess of 98%.
  • Moisture So far levels are averaging 16.5%. This could rise as more crops are harvested further north and during intermittent rainfall. 



The winter oat harvest in England and Wales is now complete, while spring oats are still being harvested. Progress is slow in Scotland, with just 16% of oats cut by 11 September, up just 8 percentage points from a fortnight earlier and well behind the pace of recent years. In Northern Ireland the oat harvest is 44% complete.

By 11 September, 82% of the national oat crop had been cut, up from 61% a fortnight earlier. This is behind last year, when 91% had been harvested, and the five-year average of 85% complete.


Oat yields have been variable across the UK and also between winter and spring oats. On average the yield of oats is down 7%, at 5.07t/ha, although this is not weighted by variety.

The largest yield declines in oats are reported in the East Midlands, where yields are reported to be down 14%. Yields are reportedly up in Wales (+18%) and in the South West (+1%).


  • Specific weight They have averaged 53kg/hl so far, with samples bold and of good colour.
  • Moisture This is averaging 14.6% for all crops harvested to date, with typical regional values ranging from 14% to 16.5%.


The pulse harvest remains 57% complete on average across the regions which have farms reporting. This excludes Scotland, the North East, the South West of England and Northern Ireland.

This is reflective of the completion of winter pulse harvesting for those reporting, and delays to the start of spring pulse harvesting. In many cases, growers are waiting for spring beans to be ready for harvest.

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