Harvest 2020: The 5 top-yielding wheat varieties map

Throughout the harvest season, we are updating our handy map with the latest data from 2020’s AHDB wheat Recommended List harvest results.

Use the map below to find the five highest-yielding wheat varieties at your nearest trials site.

See also: 5 top-yielding winter barley varieties

See also: 5 top-yielding winter oilseed rape varieties

Wheat summary

Results are in from 22 Recommended List trial sites and the average yield stands at 9.93t/ha, 0.88t/ha behind the five-year average of 10.81t/ha, reflecting the disappointing performance of many commercial crops.

Generally, the 2019/20 season saw trials drilled later than average, which has contributed to suppressed yields. No clear pattern of trial performance has emerged, though the northern trials have generally fared better in this difficult year.

Wheat variety selection

In the group 4 feed varieties, the newly recommended variety Saki (soft) has done well (105%), ahead of a group of varieties on 103% –  Gleam, Skyscraper, Spotlight and the newly recommended variety Insitor (hard). The other newly recommended variety Theodore (hard feed), which has not been able to exploit its strong disease resistance in this low-septoria year, sits at 96%.

In the milling varieties, Illustrious and Zyatt lead group 1 at 97%, with Skyfall on 96% and Crusoe on 94%. In group 2, Extase leads (100%), with Siskin on 97% and Detroit, which is recommended for the East/West region, on 96%. In group 3, Barrel (102%) leads Firefly and Elicit (98%).


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