Harvest 2017: Barley and oilseed rape crops meet the combine

Harvest 2017 is now well underway with combines launching into winter barley and oilseed rape across southern England, Wales and Ireland.
Early grain testing indicates that winter barley quality is better than expected given the very dry season much of the UK has experienced, with specific weights hitting mid to high 60s/kg/hl, although yields are said to be fairly average so far.
The oilseed rape harvest has now also begun a good 10-14 days ahead of the norm in typically early parts of East Anglia.
We’ve pulled together 14 of the best early harvest tweets to show what’s going on out in the fields.
See also: Growers pleasantly surprised by early barley yields
Don’t forget to give Farmers Weekly’s Harvest Live twitter account a follow and tweet us with how your harvest is progressing.
Winter barley
Harvest underway tonight near Stansted which dodged the earlier thunderstorms. Cutting volume hybrid barley at 13% #crackon @FWharvest pic.twitter.com/u8HaWXirlo
— Farmers Weekly Machinery (@FWmachinery) July 6, 2017
#harvest17 has begun pic.twitter.com/iDkWqc0upX
— Olly harrison 🥛🍔🌱AccidentalYoutuber (@agricontract) July 6, 2017
#bazooka barley on the go in east Sussex, looking good for us so far apart from green mares tail #harvest17 66kg/hl pic.twitter.com/V5avKtawuc
— Matt lewis (@Farmermatt77) July 6, 2017
Glacier W barley all in the shed this evening. An average start, but better than initially feared @FWharvest pic.twitter.com/7XwMMubIfn
— Mike Farrell (@mike_farrell83) July 5, 2017
@FWharvest South Oxfordshire pic.twitter.com/1l4HJxLI2e
— MJB-Farming/Equine photography (@mattbrown7820) July 6, 2017
@FWharvest South Oxfordshire pic.twitter.com/1l4HJxLI2e
— MJB-Farming/Equine photography (@mattbrown7820) July 6, 2017
Made a start #Harvest17 pic.twitter.com/xtrh68kTZk
— Walnut Farm (@farmwalnut1) July 5, 2017
Oilseed rape
And they are off…,
First combine I've seen working this year, picking up OS Rape at Gt Addington Northants #harvest17 #harvest2017 pic.twitter.com/2HARtcbQnF— james robinson (@jamesrobinson28) July 6, 2017
And now onto the oil seed rape. 8.9% moisture despite the rain this morning 👍#harvest2017 @FWharvest
— Nonington Farms (@NoningtonFarms) July 6, 2017
Elsewhere, combines are still waiting to get cracking
One of the most vital decisions to make at harvest…
Important decision ahead of #harvest17 pic.twitter.com/A9MgiekuVf
— Andy Roberts (@handles4forks) July 6, 2017
Some parts of the UK got a soaking on Thursday (6 July)…
Well this is not ideal, raining cats, dogs, hamsters and any other pets that come to mind #harvest17 pic.twitter.com/aE1NX1KN4s
— Nick Hood (@Steakrareplease) July 6, 2017
And dark skies threatened to put a stop to any activity elsewhere in Norfolk…
…something tells me the #thunderstorm is on the way back #harvest2017 @FWharvest #itshallnotdampenourspirits #Norfolk @EDP24 pic.twitter.com/Rsw5ni6G0y
— Diary of a Country Girl (@A_CountryLife) July 6, 2017
Harvest 2017: how to get involved
Make sure you’re up to date with all the latest harvest 2017 developments by following Farmers Weekly’s Harvest Live Twitter account, liking our Facebook page, and following us on Instagram.
You can get all the news and analysis on the harvest page of the Farmers Weekly website.
To add your snaps to our Harvest 2017 gallery on Facebook, just message or email us with your name, where you’re from and a line telling us what’s going on.
Throughout harvest we will aim to use as many of your photos in the magazine and online as possible.