Harvest 2016: Wheat combining gathers pace in Cambridgeshire

Wheat quality looks good on early-harvested grain on one Cambridgeshire farm with yields looking likely to hit the farm’s long-term average of about 10t/ha.

Andrew Tetlow, partner at AWT Farming, says early winter wheat results show yields at 9t/ha with a specific weight averaging 77kg/hl, although no results for protein and hagberg were available.

Andrew Tetlow's wheat harvest

Andrew Tetlow’s wheat harvest

He has been cutting the milling variety Edgar, which is being grown on light land as a second wheat, but expects yields to rise as he moves on to heavier, more fertile, wheat land.

See also: Harvest 2016: Winter barley is 60% combined, oilseed rape 40% cut

“It has been a slow start to harvest because of recent rain but it has also been quite an early start as well, and we are hoping for yields of about 10t/ha as we moved on to heavier land,” he tells Farmers Weekly.

The group has only cut a fraction of its 1,400ha of wheat comprising milling varieties Edgar, Skyfall and Crusoe, with the feed variety Diego also grown across the 2,000-plus hectares of land it farms in Cambridgeshire, Essex and Suffolk.

He started wheat harvest on Sunday 31 July, as compared with 5 August at Wadlow Farm, about eight miles east of Cambridge.

The oilseed rape harvest is complete with yields hit by flea beetle down at 2.5t/ha as compared to a farm average of 3.75t/ha across 116ha, while winter barley averaged about 8t/ha across 280ha in the first year of growing the crop.

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