Harvest 24: Pinched grains in Cornwall and halfway in Wilts

A frustrating harvest for many continues with very mixed results across the UK, with yields ranging from poor to surprising for the season. 


The oilseed rape and winter barley harvest is complete for farm manager Will Wombwell, at Dupplin Farms, near Perth.

“We’ve averaged 3.8t/ha on 100ha of Exsteel oilseed rape, and only 5.5t/ha on 60ha of Tardis winter barley,” says Will.

“Bushel weights on the winter barley have been 64-65kg/hl.”

Moistures have been high in the winter barley, upwards of 17%, while oilseed rape has ranged from 8% to 16%.

See also: Harvest 24: 5 top-yielding winter OSR varieties

He hopes to get into the 250ha of Laureate spring barley and 380ha of Dawsum and Skyscraper winter wheat this coming week (week commencing 19 August).

“There’s a lot of wheat which is shallow rooted, some of it you walk through and can still see your boots – but in other parts, it’s a good crop.”

However, the Laureate – where it follows potatoes – is looking really good.


Heading into the East of England, Tony Pulham has been pleasantly surprised by his Champion winter wheat at Hugh Pulham Farms, near Stowmarket.

“We have cut 89ha and it has done exceptionally well considering the year it’s had,” he says.

“Early indications are 10t/ha, with specific weights around 74-76kg/hl – I’m very pleased.”

Now into 40ha of Beowulf (15 August), he reports promising samples.

Winter barley is also pleasing. “We have finished 101ha of winter barley – mostly Caravelle – which yielded well at 8.65t/ha with good specific weight at 65kg/hl.”

Disappointingly, his Tardis crop was impacted by October floods and only achieved 6.18t/ha.

Also disappointing was 101ha of Tom and hybrid candidate Blackmillion oilseed rape, yielding below his 3.5t/ha average at 3.1t/ha.

Left to combine is 24ha of Gleam winter wheat, 64ha of Laureate spring barley, and 46ha of Lynx spring beans.


Heading west, Josh Stratton is halfway through harvest at East Farm, near Codford St Mary.

“We have cut 750ha out of 1,400ha of combinable crops, so we still have quite a chunk to go at yet,” says Josh. “It has been distinctly average and unexciting so far.”

However, his 195ha of Craft winter malting barley, grown for Molson Coors, has made the grade with a 1.65% nitrogen content – but yields are down on their 8.5t/ha average at 8t/ha.

Josh was reasonably pleased with his 220ha of Ambassador and Armada oilseed rape.

“That has averaged 4t/ha at 45% oil content, we saw a definite improvement where we had grazed sheep on it in the autumn,” he says.

“Harry, my arable graduate did his BASIS project on it, and measured an 85% reduction of flea beetle larvae on the stems.”

Dipping into 450ha of Champion, Dawsum and Insitor wheat, 160ha of winter oats and 330ha of spring barley, he’s yet to complete any significant area – however, so far his Champion has yielded around 10.5t/ha, despite a septoria challenge.

On quality, protein at 11% and specific weight at 74kg/hl are fine and screenings are low, he adds.


Into the South West, Ashley Jones at Smeaton Farm, near Saltash, has finished his 24ha of Caravelle winter barley, with his 80ha of Dawsum winter wheat nearly complete – although three weeks later than usual.

“I have also cut half of the 40ha of Mascani winter oats, but I haven’t even thought about the 24ha of Propino spring barley yet,” says Ashley.

The Dawsum yielded around 8.6t/ha with a 79kg/hl specific weight, but the grain sample is pinched. However, the Caravelle performed better than in previous years.

“It yielded around 7.6t/ha at 64kg/hl.”

But it’s the Mascani that has stood out so far. “It’s been exceptional, yielding 7.9t/ha at 59kg/hl – and a whopping 6.1t/ha of straw,” he adds.

He hopes to get back out again this weekend (17 August) if the weather allows.

“I think the Propino has potential and will definitely outperform the Caravelle.”

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