Harvest 2015 figures reveal 18-year high for barley

The 2015 harvest saw the largest barley crop cut in nearly 20 years, while total oilseed rape combined fell by more than 5%, according to Defra figures.

The barley harvest reached almost 7.3 million tonnes, making it the largest crop since 1997.

Compared with the 2014 harvest, average yields of winter and spring barley were up 4.4% and 2.4% respectively, and the overall area grown was up by 2%.

See also: 2015 average yield maps for wheat, barley and oilseed rape

Wheat yields were at a five-year high at 8.8t/ha, but a reduced area grown saw the total size of the harvest contract by 2.6% compared with the 2014 harvest.

Total oilseed rape harvested dropped by 5.4% due to a fall in area grown and average yields.

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