Farmer Focus views on the SFP in 2005

IN THE first of a series of articles looking back at what the Farmers Weekly Farmer Focus writers had to say in 2005, they give their views on the Single Farm Payment and cross compliance in.
“Cross Compliance does not worry me as I have been following LEAF integrated farm management principles for years. That said, I am peeved at the unnecessarily rigid 2m margin rule.” Steve Bumstead (Jan 7)
“Farmers the world over will watch with interest to see how their British counterparts deal with yet another onslaught of bureaucracy. But New Zealand farmers appear somewhat unsympathetic.” Davey, Jan 7-13
“We are told the new scheme will become less bureaucratic, but what other industry could or would put up with the massive changes we have had to endure, especially while trying to carry out their normal day-to-day work?” Ward, Jan 21-27
“Do DEFRA employees, like me, seriously wonder how this new system is going to work, let alone how long it is going to work for?” Richard Ward (Mar 18)
“I’ve opted to receive my single farm payment in euros with the intention of transferring some of our borrowings into a euro loan.” Andrew Peddie (May 27)
“A written query to the RPA concerning tax implications of varying start dates has never been acknowledged. Two months down the line, contact to ascertain receipt proved equally fruitless, with an attempt at being fobbed off with eventual action “in the fullness of time”. Not good enough RPA.” David Greasby (7 Oct)
Click here for some of the more unusual and humorous comments from 2005.
Keep an eye on FWi over the festive period to find out what our Farmer Focus writers had to say about a host of topics, including Harvest, Sugar Reform and the weather. On Monday, politics is the hot topic!