Deja vu in Scotland

Harvest in Scotland is looking worryingly similar to last year’s wash out – but quality remains solid and better prices are keeping farmers’ spirits up.
Independent agronomist Allen Scobie said all the winter barley and most of the oilseed rape was now cut in the Dundee area. “Some people have started spring barley and the odd bit of wheat.
“The quality is quite good – the spring barley is only just ready so it’s not an issue yet,” he said.
“I haven’t seen any wheat sprouting yet – but I wouldn’t like to see this rain go on for a week or 10 days more.”
Better weather over the weekend had enabled farmers to get some combining done.
“And with combine capacities so much greater than they used to be there is no impending disaster at the moment.”
Early wheat crops were mixed, but reasonable. “On the good land it should do 8-10t/ha (3.2-4t/acre) but on the light land, or where second wheats have burnt off, yields might not be quite at that level.”