All Crop Watch news

Agronomists from all areas of the UK report weekly on their crop management from establishment to harvest. Keep up-to-date with their progress and the latest crop developments as the growing season progresses and key decisions on disease, pest and weed control have to be made.


Crop Watch: Beet drilling and gout fly warning in wheat

The dry spell has seen good progress with drilling, fertiliser and spraying – a huge contrast to last spring. It is also helping to reduce disease pressure after a wet…


Crop Watch: Spring drilling progress and T0s in winter wheat

Spring drilling is well under way across the UK and crops are generally going in pretty good conditions. This earlier start is being welcomed after last spring when hardly any…


Crop Watch: Pigeons decimate OSR and a herbicide warning

Damage from pigeons has been widespread in oilseed rape, with crops being decimated in some of the worst attacks in years. Some fields where the growing points are intact may…


Crop Watch: First dry spell sees early nitrogen on hungry crops

A drier start to March is being welcomed by growers and agronomists as early nitrogen fertiliser applications are being made to hungry crops in depleted soils. Spring barley and bean…


Crop Watch: Bean drilling and propyzamide sprays in OSR

Winter bean drilling is progressing well, especially in the South West where conditions are ideal with good seed-beds.  The arrival of cooler weather this week means the time is approaching…


Crop Watch: Dry spell sees farmers catch up with drilling

The spell of dry but dull weather has allowed farmers to catch up with wheat drilling, with some November seed-beds looking better than those last month. This week, our agronomists…


Crop Watch: Soils too warm for propyzamide sprays in OSR

Two of the key topics this week are related to oilseed rape (OSR). Some crops have reached the spray threshold for phoma and fungicides are being applied to manage the…


Crop Watch: BYDV aphid threat and rain hit maize harvest

With a more settled spell of weather, slowly but surely, more acres of winter wheat are going into the ground. Bean drilling has kicked off in the east. The warm…


Crop Watch: Worst maize harvest and spud storage rot risk

This year’s maize harvest is shaping up to be one of the worst in the past five years, according to one of our agronomists. Soils may need some remedial action…


Crop Watch: OSR pod sealants and foliar N in wheat

The weather remains unsettled with disease pressure staying high. For example, the showery weather as resulted in rhynchosporium starting to develop in spring barley crops in the west. This changeable…


Crop Watch: Sunshine needed for grain fill and maize

With T3 fungicides going on wheat crops and winter barleys having had all their inputs, farmers are hoping for some badly needed sunshine to drive grain fill and get crops…


Crop Watch: T3 spray options and spring barley lodging risk

With the T3 fungicide timing approaching, thoughts are turning to which products to include. And with the continued disease pressure, this spray is as much about topping up septoria and…


Crop Watch: Battling disease threat as rain misery continues

The unsettled weather continues and warm, wet conditions mean there is no let up in disease pressure. There are already warnings that farmers may be forced to spend extra at…


Crop Watch: Warm weather encourages weeds and disease

Warmer weather is giving crops a welcome growth burst, but with it creates the perfect conditions for populations of weeds, pest and disease to take hold. Timely spray applications will…


Crop Watch: OSR flowering spray and T1s in forward wheat

The weather forecast is finally looking slightly better, but the damage is done and there is a huge backlog of field jobs. Among these are flowering sprays in those oilseed…


Crop Watch: Time running out for spring barley drilling?

The weather continues to dominate with few spring crops planted and planned herbicide and fungicide sprays badly behind schedule. One question being increasingly asked as mid-April approaches, is “when is…