Crop Watch: T0 fungicide timing gets closer
Forward wheats will soon be ready to receive their first fungicide of the season, according to reports from FWi’s team of agronomists this week.
September-drilled wheat in Kent was at growth stage 30 and showing variable levels of disease, HL Hutchinson’s James Boswell said. “Septoria tritici is particularly high in Consort and Einstein, mildew is present in almost all varieties on lower leaves, while levels of over-wintered brown rust pustules appear lower than last year.
“A T0 spray will soon be applied and must be triazole plus chlorothalonil-based.”
Independent agronomist and East Lothian farmer Andrew Riddell was concerned that with a large proportion of wheat crops in his area down to Alchemy and Robigus, rust may be present in canopies.
“I’m planning to apply Cherokee (chlorothalonil + cyproconazole + propiconazole) on such crops within the next couple of weeks when suitable conditions allow.”
Mildew could easily be found on winter barley, while rhynchosporium and net blotch varied depending on variety and location, he added.
Rhynchosporium levels were also high in barley crops in Gloucestershire, but Neil Donkin said it was still too early to treat.
Wheat had its “usual” early spring levels of septoria and mildew, but less brown rust than this time last year, he said. “T0 fungicides should be planned for later in March.”
Suffolk-based Will Foss advised any growers who delayed Atlantis/ Pacifica (iodosulfuron + mesosulfuron) treatments due to cold weather to be careful if they were to tank mix them with T0 fungicides or PGRs. “Where possible the treatments will be kept separate to avoid any potential antagonism leading to reduced grassweed control.
“If we are forced to tank mix, then partner products will be kept to a minimum and known problem products avoided.”
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